Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sailboat Picture With Parts In A Painting Wat Does It Mean When A Sailboat Is Riding Into The Horizon?

In a painting wat does it mean when a sailboat is riding into the horizon? - sailboat picture with parts

created in a table with a horizon of a boat and go near him and the subject was under way, and I have to write an explanation, if anyone can help me, to a large


ecurb25 said...

This means that you

samantha... said...

It depends if you are concerned about a person observed on board the ship or imaginary audience disappear over the horizon path.

Wh!Tn3Y said...

Interpres I mean, it must diversify and broaden their horizons ....... as if you are exploring new avenues in life and abandoned in the table on the situation with calm and happy. Also, I would not be afraid to face ...... Otherwise the future instead of sailing to the horizon, had a boat in the water very quickly drawn into a terrible storm. Good luck.

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